Passion is the biggest investment: Mark Cuban, American Billionaire Entrepreneur
Born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Mark Cuban was a hardworking and passionate kid. At the age of 12, he sold garbage bags with the purpose to buy a new pair of high-end basketball sneakers. Nobody knew at that time that he would even buy an NBA basketball team in the future.
Throughout his high school, he worked on anything from promoting disco parties to even bar-tending. He got his first job in the early 80’s in a software company named, Your Business Software. During his time in the company, he made good relationships with multiple software clients but unfortunately to unforeseen circumstances he was fired. But this sudden act of fire ignited a fire in him. He launched his own company named, Micro-Solutions.
Few years later, in 1990, Cuban sold Micro-Solutions to CompuServe for $6 million. After clearing all the taxes, Cuban ended up with $2 million in his pocket! With every effort, he learned what to do and with every mistake and failure he understood what not to do. He closely learned the tips and tricks from his counterparts and kept feeding his memory a great variety of skills! Soon he had an unlimited amount of hope, and more importantly, no limit on time and effort.
Mark explains that you shouldn’t try starting your own company unless it’s something that you love to do. People who start companies just for the money have a very small chance of making their business a success.If you don’t love what you do, you’ll be less productive running your business. Eventually the excitement you had for it will slowly die down.
If you love what you do, you’ll be less likely to have second thoughts when your business hasn’t started making any profit yet. For you, it’s an obsession and a passion so you won’t be put off it easily.
Motivational quotes by Mark Cuban
“Sweat equity is the most valuable equity there is. Know your business and industry better than anyone else in the world. Love what you do or don’t do it”.
“The best way to predict the future is to invent it.”
“Creating opportunities means looking where others are not.”
“You just got to stay focused and believe in yourself and trust your own ability and judgment”.